Wednesday, April 17, 2013

FET Regroup

We had our regroup yesterday where we went over everything in preparation for the Frozen Embryo Transfer in June. We just assumed that it would be a quick, easy, and curve-ball free appointment. Silly us....

So the appointment started off with Dr. S. going over our final Blast numbers and what it all meant. So to recap, we went from 14 day 3 embryos to 5 Blastocysts. We were a little shocked by how many we lost, but we figured it was normal. So yesterday we found out that it really wasn't normal at all. As a matter of fact, we actually had twice as many Blastocysts at the end there, but half started to rapidly degenerate. He said that to have that significant of a drop-off, and to have it happen in such a short period of time is probably indicative of chromosomal problems. No one could have predicted this, and the Dr. never even suggested embryo testing because this was so unexpected. So now we have 5 frozen Blasts, and we have absolutely no idea if any of them are normal. It's very likely that some are, we just can't know for sure with this batch.  Our bodies do a pretty good job at knowing when something is not right, so odds are if we transferred one that was abnormal it would either not implant, or miscarry. Of course that isn't always the case, but our bodies do their best.

Also, we came to find out that 2 of the day 5 Blasts are frozen together, so if we end up transferring those we will need to transfer both at the same time. The Dr. will start with our best ones, which are 2 day 5 3ABs and those are frozen separately.

All along, our Dr has been quite adamant about wanting to transfer just one at a time, and we had accepted that. In fact, we went into the appointment expecting him to say he was going to do just 1. So we were shocked when he said it was our choice and that he was fine doing either 1 or 2. So the decision on how many we will be transferring will be on us. Originally, I was leaning more towards 2, but my husband feels very strongly about just doing 1, especially for our first transfer. I'm looking at it from the wanting to increase our chances standpoint, and he is more concerned about me and how multiples would increase the risks for complications. Last night we did make our decision, and we are fairly certain that we will only be transferring 1 of the 3ABs.  We want to start small, and see how this first one goes.

If we keep having bad luck with this batch, we will need to undergo more testing, and we will need to do another retrieval and do the testing on our embryos. I really hope that it won't come down to that, I really do, but only time will tell. I was actually really hoping we would be able to get 2 kids out of these 5 frozen Blasts, but the Dr. politely told me yesterday that I shouldn't count on it... :( Shoot!

So that was the crappy part, from that point on everything was smooth sailing.

I will be staying on Metformin even though the studies that came out indicating that Metformin helps women with Polycystic Ovaries get pregnant have pretty much been discredited.  But, we decided that since I have been on it so long now, and since all of the awful side effects have gone away too, it wouldn't hurt to stay on it. It can only help, it won't hurt.

Also, I will need to start Electroacupuncture 4 weeks prior to the transfer. During my Doppler baseline ultrasound we found out that I have rather poor uterine blood flow, luckily this particular issue can usually be treated pretty well once there is a diagnosis of it. Without treatment, I don't get enough blood flow down there on my own to get pregnant and stay pregnant. Electroacupuncture does a great job with increasing that blood flow, so I will be doing that twice a week for 4 weeks. I will also have a session at CCRM right before the transfer, and another one immediately afterwards as well.

That really is most of the news that we got yesterday. We also went thought other little things like the mandatory bed rest afterwards, working out, all that random stuff. For right now I'm fine to pretty much do whatever I want until May 21 when I start the Lupron & Estrogen in preparation for the transfer. That's when all of the limitations will start again.

So we are still good to go for June 10, we are really just hoping and praying for the absolute best outcome with these 5 Blasts that we currently have.


  1. Thanks for posting about this RE group! I'm so glad that your doctor seemed to have gone over everything with who I very thoroughly. My fingers are crossed for two babies out of this bunch :). I can't believe your transfer is right around the corner!! xoxoxo

    1. That's supposed to say: so very thoroughly! :)

    2. I'm so glad too! They have definitely done a much better job at trying to figure out and treat all of my issues, much more than our original RE. I don't regret switching, ever! Thank you, I'm crossing my fingers for you guys too!! It really is just on the horizon now, I'm so excited!! Do you have any idea yet as to when you'll be cycling?

  2. Good luck with the upcoming transfer. I'm still waiting for my consult with Dr. S. Sigh. Hopefully they will call me with a cancellation soon!

    1. Thank you!

      I can't wait until your consult, but yea it can take a while...I'm sure it'll be worth it though!! :)

  3. I like your Dr. He seems honest and informative. Our Dr advised 1 embryo at a time due to complications with multiple births too. Bring on June 10!!!!!

    1. Yes, he is wonderful, I've grown SO fond of him! Hopefully 1 will be our lucky number for our FETs. :)

  4. Praying for you guys!! I just finally connected with your blog and LOVE it! You are such an amazing lady! So excited for your June transfer and praying one of these embryos are your take-home baby!!! Lots of love! -Chelsea / chels819 / trialsbringjoy

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words and prayers, they mean the world to me! I continue to pray for you and your current fresh cycle all of the time! :) XO

  5. I just found your blog and this is the first post I'm reading, so excuse me for, while I don't have all your history, still wanting to throw my unsolicited 2 cents. Here it goes: Given that you have lost so many embryos on Day 5 and that Dr. S thinks it might be a chromosomal issue, have you considered doing CCS testing on them before transferring? I know they are frozen already, but I have CCS tested frozen embryos that I shipped to CCRM from another clinic before and refroze them after and there was nothing wrong with that. Also we re-tested a no result the night before transfer, got the results the morning of and then transferred the normal one. I know it's an extra 7K for the testing but if you end up needing multiple transfers, that money may be very well worth it. Also, and this is what's most important to me at least, is to spare you the heartbreak of a transfer, the two week wait and then a possible BFN.

    Just something to think about. Best of luck with whatever you decide :)

    1. I happily welcome your 2 cents, especially since you've cycled with CCRM in the past.

      I didn't realize that this was an option now.... It was never offered to us, but if he would have offered it we would seriously consider it! I am terrified for my transfer because of this news, I have no idea if they will be good or not, so I find myself wanting to transfer 2 as a little added assurance... I am like you, I care more about that heartbreak than the money too, which is why we are going to CCRM in the first place. We have decided that if we end up needing to do another retrieval we will definitely do the CCS testing, it's not negotiable. But with this cycle, it's our first one and we really didn't know how it would go. And given our ages, we were never advised to do the CCS testing anyways. :/

      I just went over to your blog, I am sorry you had no luck with CCRM and the clinic before that, hopefully you have better luck with your new clinic with the DE. I'll definitely be following along!

      Thank you so much for the information, I truly appreciate it!!

