Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Beta #1

Today was our first Beta, which is basically the blood pregnancy test that measures HCG (it's released only when you're pregnant.) We have been a nervous wreck to say the least, but I am now so happy to be able to pass on some great news.

Beta #1 at 9dp5dt is 126!!!

We got the call first from our nurse, and then a few minutes later Dr. Surrey called to personally congratulate us. I have to say...I just adore him, he is such a kind and caring person, a real class-act! We still have a long road ahead, but so far things are going very well. They wanted to see the beta over 50 today. We will go back in on Friday morning for another beta test, and by Friday they want to see that HCG value increase by 66%. If my math is correct (which it seldom is lol) it should be over 209 at that time.

Right now we're still trying to believe that this is real. It's a lot to take in, and we want to stay cautiously optimistic right now since it's still so early. We are so excited, and we are really hoping that this is just the start of something beautiful!!! <3

Thank you all SO much for the thoughts and prayers! I'm a firm believer in the power of positivity and prayers, and I cannot say enough "thank you's" for all of the love and support we've been receiving. Thank you, thank you, thank you!



  1. OMG! I'm so excited for you! YAYAYAYAYAYA!!

  2. Congratulations!!!!!! That is awesome news!!!! Incredibly excited for you!

  3. Yayyyyyyyyyy!!!! I am so beyond happy for you, girl!! I saw your post and in an instant had a huge smile spread across and happy tears started to fall out of my eyes for you! You must be THRILLED. Ahh! Such great news :) xoxo

  4. *smile spread across my FACE. See? I'm so excited for you that I'm leaving out words! :)

  5. i am getting so excited for you. yay for such good news. hoping for the best :)

  6. Whoo hoo awesome news!!!!
    Congratulations!!! So happy for you

  7. This brought tears to my eyes! I'm so happy for you, Laura. It gives me hope that CCRM could do the same for me. Hugs!
