Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Next Step!

Well, it feels like just yesterday that I was blogging about starting the birth control and finally being in the process. I am so happy to be on the last leg of the birth control step. I find it so weird how time has been going so fast, yet so slow at the same time. It blows my mind.

Either way, things are starting to fall into place and I feel wonderful, and terrible at the same time.  My stimulation medicines came yesterday, and I was happy, but I also cried most of the day because I became extremely overwhelmed. I am scared, I am anxious, I feel about 20 different emotions all at the same time. I cannot even begin to explain it. I tried to explain it to my sister-in-law yesterday, but of course, words failed me. Either way, we are ready, and this next step will be starting next week!

Last night we watched all of the training videos that the pharmacy sent us, everything seemed pretty straightforward. Although, we were both quite concerned about possibly having to do that "dart-like motion" with the needle if we have to do an Intramuscular Injection. We are both hoping we will not have to do any of those, we will know Monday.  I get so squeamish watching needles go into skin, luckily, my husband will be administering most, if not all of the shots. I also worry a little about the mixing, but he also wants to do most of that too, which is a relief to me. I am NOT good at such detailed work, but he is, so I am thankful for that. So, we go in on Monday (3/4/13) for the Suppression Check, and the final meeting before we start. We have been told that the odds that the cycle would be delayed or cancelled at this point are slim. I have an ongoing list of final questions to ask, but overall we feel confident and well-equipped to handle this.  The next time we will go up to CCRM will be 3/10/13, and by that time we will be getting more detailed information on how things are progressing.

Whew, one step down!

I will be back with updates more often now since things are starting to pick up with the cycle.

Until next time,



  1. Yay to receiving all your meds.
    Once you inject your first needle it's smooth sailing from there

    1. That is good to hear, thanks for that! Until I take that first injection, the unknown is probably more terrifying than the actual shot.

  2. You're getting so close! It is very scary the first time but I think you'll be an old pro in no time. Good luck with your first injection.

  3. Just found your blog through Jessah and wanted to say Hi :)
    We'll be on a similar timeline for our first IVF. I'm a little behind and I won't start stims until March 15th.
    I'm looking forward to follow your journey and wishing you the best of luck!!!

    1. Hi there! :)

      That is so exciting, it will be here before we know it!

      Thank you so much, I wish you the best of luck as well! I followed your blog so I can follow your journey too.
