Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Here we go!!

Well, all of my FET meds arrived Friday, and we are officially at the starting line for our transfer preparation! Today was my first day on the meds, and it's definitely a bittersweet feeling for me. It was on May 22 last year (1 year and 1 day ago) that I had my Laparoscopy, and that was what really got the ball moving with needing to do IVF. It has been a very long, hectic, exhausting, and painful year for me both emotionally and physically. I am just so thankful to be where we are now, and the idea that I will have one of our embryos back inside of me in 20 days brings tears to my eyes! Please let this work!!!


  1. Oh my gosh- 20 days!!! So excited for you - I will be thinking of you :)

  2. I'm just so ridiculously excited for you! I am wishing you SO much luck and hoping this is yours and hubby's time!!! Xoxoxo

    1. Thank you so much!!! Your newest news gives me so much hope!! <3
