Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Estradiol Check-Take 2...

In the words of my mom- "What we have here is a basic failure to communicate…"

That was the story of our trip to CCRM yesterday for my Estradiol (Estrogen/E2) check. When I called last week to make my appointments for my ultrasound and blood work for the FET prep I was told that for the E2 check on May 27th I could come in any time. So I took that to mean that any time before they closed (4:30pm) should be fine. CCRM is open every day except for Christmas so I just assumed that they would be open regular hours since she didn’t tell me otherwise. So we took our time, slept in, had a nice breakfast, etc… By the time we got up there we realized that they closed early, and we didn’t make it in time to get my blood drawn. I didn’t know how crucial it was to have the blood draw on the exact day, so naturally I’ve been in a little bit of a panic about messing up the FET cycle for the past 24 hours or so. 

Take 2

We went in first thing this morning for my E2 check, take 2. The nurse reassured us that we should be fine, but wow, that isn’t something you want to have happen. So even today while waiting for the call, I’ve been pretty nervous. Luckily, I did just hear back and things are looking great. My E2 was at 81, and our nurse said they want it to be over 50 at this point, so that’s good news. Starting tomorrow I will be increasing my Vivelle (Estrogen) patches by 1 patch every other day, and once I get to 4, I will stay there.  I’ll still continue to be on 5 units of Lupron until June 4th, but the dosage is so small that I have no side effects, it’s just enough to keep me suppressed.  Things are going surprisingly well with the meds, I cannot believe how much easier these meds are as opposed to all of the other meds I have been on throughout this process. I can’t even tell that anything is out of the ordinary, it’s a pleasant break after those 2 months on the Lupron Depot, that’s for sure!

So now we wait until June 4th for more blood work, and my lining check and ultrasound. I cannot believe how close we are now!! 12 days, but who’s counting, right? ;)


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Here we go!!

Well, all of my FET meds arrived Friday, and we are officially at the starting line for our transfer preparation! Today was my first day on the meds, and it's definitely a bittersweet feeling for me. It was on May 22 last year (1 year and 1 day ago) that I had my Laparoscopy, and that was what really got the ball moving with needing to do IVF. It has been a very long, hectic, exhausting, and painful year for me both emotionally and physically. I am just so thankful to be where we are now, and the idea that I will have one of our embryos back inside of me in 20 days brings tears to my eyes! Please let this work!!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It's Been A While!

I can't believe that my last post was almost a month ago. It feels like National Infertility Awareness Week was just last week, well maybe not quite, but the time has gone by pretty fast.

Not much has been going on recently, that's probably the reason for no new posts. I'm on day 23 of 28 for my second month of the Lupron Depot, and this month has not been going very well to be honest! The first month was fine, I was a little moody, had some hot flashes, but it was pretty manageable. Once I got that second shot everything went crazy. My hot flashes have been so bad, and they happen a lot, like a whole lot. I am either both hot and sweating like I'm running a marathon in 120 degree weather, or I'm cold and clammy. There hasn't been a happy medium.  That actually isn't even the worst of it, the biggest side effect that I've been having is insomnia. I have been unable to sleep well at all for the past 20 days, many nights I only get a couple of hours total. However; since starting my acupuncture I have noticed a slight improvement in the insomnia, but it has still been pretty bad. I am thinking that these side effects should be tapering down now that I am nearing the end of the 28 days.  I look forward to my Lupron Depot days being over! I am so ready to get onto the next step of the cycle, I feel like I have been at a standstill for too long because of the 2 Lupron Depot months. I know this was the right plan for us, but I am definitely eager to get one of our little Blasts transferred soon.

So in less than a week I start my FET meds. I am super excited, super anxious, super nervous, but most of all, super READY!! All of the meds have been ordered, and the packages will be coming on Friday!

Once I start the meds I have been told that I need to keep my heart-rate under 140 indefinitely. Now, I run a lot, so this was a worry for me because I never keep track of my heart-rate. My birthday is coming up on June 27 (only 8 days after our beta pregnancy test, yikes) so my husband decided to get me a heart-rate monitor as an early birthday gift. I'm so excited about it, I have wanted one for a while now, and the timing couldn't be better! Now I can work out and not have to worry. Unfortunately, my days of running probably are over, I think it will end up being more of a brisk walk starting on Tuesday, but I will enjoy any exercise that I can get.

Now that the ball is rolling again with our IVF, I will definitely be less of a stranger, many more posts will be coming up! :)

I hope everyone is having an awesome Wednesday!